Friday 23 August 2024

REP River Adur 5k swim 2024 and life-work balance

Swiming past Hogwarts - because why not ?

We cover at least two swims a year, and the Adur 5k swim is one of them - organised by Raw Energy Pursuits as usual to their high standards this has grown to a 300 entry and 250+ taking part on the day event. 

I'm not a swimmer (yes I can swim, but it's not my sport of choice, although a girlfriend in my 20's was, and that taught me a thing or two - mostly - respect for swimmers!!) so it's hard to know the mental processing going on before and after an event like this - judging from the looks on their faces of deep concentration before entering the water and the general deafness caused by thinking too hard about important things like "oh god this is going to be a long way" and not "what did the marshal just say about getting into the water?" - I'd say that a 5k swim, even downhill, is a challenge even for the most prepared. And there's sandbanks to navigate as well. But in a wetsuit and with a current - you can always just bob...

I write it like this mostly for my friend Jacquie who can swim 2miles in a pool, happily runs a half marathon in training without really considering any sort of energy plan, is still getting animated about the final 6 seconds of her parkrun (because she runs 21:06) but is now also quite worried about her Serpentine 2mile swim coming up. Jacquie - at any point in the Serpentine - you can probably stand up. You'll be fine. There's no current or sandbanks. The biggest worry you have is Ecoli, so make sure you have a bottle of flat coke to drink afterwards... or the cormorants... you'll be fine.

Compare that to the following fine photographs of these fine people putting themselves on the line in the name of "fun"...

Fun fact - if people wore their barcoded number bracelet (on the outside of their wetsuit - obviously) - we can identify who's waving at us from the water as they swim along ! (Face recognition ? nah - not a chance with this sport)..

Anyway the free download gallery is here:

Pictures - in no particular order

The joy of finishing

That was nice !

high fives everyone !

Happy times out of the water at last


The long wait at the finish

It's tough work at these events

Here's the start if you're wondering - before the chaos

Here to rescue...

Sponsors show no fear of a little 5k swim..

Final entry plans made by the marshals

Good to go !

She's just fooling, she wasn't THAT scared

vitory will be hers !

Confident sponsor striding into the start

big double thumbs up - we love it

All ok here 

The double thumbs and in we go

Final safety checks, and ready to go

Once they were all gone, we ate the remaining blackberries

Oi I said *naaaah photos !!***

Raw Energy Pursuits giving us a wave

mind your balance and taking a tumble...

Our Graham lends a hand

Thinking "that was easier than I though"

YAAY for the win

can you believe it !

stopping your watch before you cross the finish line is a crime

Well done Tam !!

Tasty !

Please don't leave me

Stings a bit

One of those smartwatches with an ear button

The pre-race gathering at the start

They'll save your life if you ask nicely

7 go swimming

it wasn't that crowded, it's just a busy shot thing

*waves back

swan lake

Super splish

So all in all it was a fantastic event - and everyone made it out safely this time too...

...and shout out to the sponsor Oatopia as their food is super yummy:

In other news - you've missed the chance to get your last second entry into the Arundel Scouts 10k. Entries closed at 2pm today Thursday - sorry about that - it's going to be about 400 people and the weather looks fantastic. See you there...

I'll be looking to see everyone putting in a shift on Sunday to be putting in the effort as a replacement for me not being able to go and watch a daughter competing as a guest at the Manchester International Athletics as an under 20 on saturday... which brings to mind a bigger and more real reality - work-life balance. (or Life-work balance as I prefer to say - because Life comes first!).

This summer I've had work take over all the time I could have had with my kids. Friday driving to events that are all weekend and getting back late on a sunday - is not conducive to a family life, especially one that is mid-divorce and with co-parenting in separate houses. I think I've had 4 weekend days with the kids over the past three months, which is frankly - poo.

So something has to change. Urgently before next season.

For those of you who are familiar with my neurodivergent journey - a lifetime of subconciously coping with it and then after a late life diagnosis and then using neuroplasticity to alter/speed up those slightly slower bits of my brain that resulted in the neurodivergency - and then not have neurodiverse sensory overwhelm and actually be able to exist in a normal world...(and also reduce all my NAS diagnosis scores below the Neurotypical limit significantly) it has come as a bit of a realisation that almost all of my photography has come about as a coping mechanism - both sensory and socially.

And now whilst I'm good at it (apparently) - I no longer actually need to use photography for my welbeing as a coping mechanism. So the bigger question - does it make me as happy as it used to ? or was my happiness actually just a "less stressed" situation and therefore because that stress no longer exists - can it make me positively happy ?

So - when I'm now faced with the bigger question of how to restore my life-work balace for the kids next school exam cycle next summer - so that I can be present for my kids (which is why I left corporate life in the first place) - I'm really challenging myself and my whole life motivators, and my entire reality of what I do for work, and indeed - why !

Which is a bit of a big question to ask of oneself - as a lot has moved on in these past 17 years since the children first arrived...

I have an MBA, a specialisation in customer engagement and influence, which is a big facet of advanced marketing, and the ability to take the odd picture or two...

What sort of thing would you suggest I have a look at ? or how do I change the business here to make sure I'm present for next years revision and exam season ? (and the three years of exams after that too). The brain is starting to try to work out the future without throwing it all out of the window !

Answers or probing deep introspective qustions to ! (and thank you too for the suggestions of which races to talk to last week).

In the meantime, see you at the Arundel Scouts 10k on Sunday morning, and then we get back into the final Five Mighty Hikes of the year, plus the rescheduled national cross country championships- which is quite a large job too...

until next time, and good luck dear Daughter guesting at the Manchester International Athletics... *proud Dad*


Thursday 8 August 2024

Peak District Mighty Hike 2024 and can we have a rest now ?

The grand Start of the Peak District 2024 Mighty Hike 

 The Peak District Mighty Hike took place starting and finishing at the lovely showground in Bakewell on Saturday July the 20th - we had the odd shower at the end around 5:30pm for about an hour - otherwise it was perfect Hiking conditions around the route, and a great crew of Mighty Marshals and volunteers.

I also had cunningly roped into help with finish line fun the commentator - to not only commentate and read out names - but also to phrase and ask participants as they came in if they were going to "line up together",  "hold hands and cheer" , "give the crowd a big wave" - all that sort of happy suggestions - which meant we had a load of great moments to capture on camera and make the best memories for the participants. "Making people happy through sport photography" is our core goal, and if that means we need to get a bit of a helping hand from someone with a microphone - then the happier everyone will be - and what we know for sure is that happy fundraisers raise more money !! So - bug thank you to Joe Carswell on the microphone for all his help with that !

Joe giving it full beans all the way as the final few participants make a Mighty Finish

Full disclosure here - it's just as well the Premier inn decided not to let me into breakfast at 6:59am so I sulked off to the room, made a rubbish coffee and went to my location earlier than planned by 40minutes - because - lo and behold - the very very fast lead walkers were coming through as I grabbed my bag from the boot... Fortunately though I found a lovely dell of an old mill pond sort of spot with a sluice gate by the river and settled in for the morning - with some nearby duck patrols, ducklings, and a few moorhen chicks bobbling about through the day, as well as the odd 1000 mighty hikers to share it with...

double thumbs and a wave for the win. I was sat in the nettles on the right with mosquitos for company all morning....

Great Might Marshalling

Happy high arms to make the magic moments a memory - only the two phones in sight

Joe, fully armed and legged and microphoned up...

Everyone lovels a team photo

The fundraising wave of send help !

they were talking politics, or one of them farted

no surrender !

mighty marshalling with a method

Your Mighty event crew that got you back safe

got to love a hug

rehearsals for their Abba tribute act were work in progress

Only the one stick between two, he used it on the downhills

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers / Hikers

You will finish this with me...

In the distance we can see a lesser spotted Engagement dance, favoured by the male of the species, often after significant endurance and persevearance

Mick is proud of you !

Matching Hat bonnets for the team look

Bring me sunshine !

Suddenly her sticks vanished and her arms rose spontaneously into the air

Solid mighty hiking into the half way lunch stop

YES !!

Remember - heads up with your arms up, especially if you're in the middle !
Top team effort across the line together

Joe did an exceptional job on the microphone

A quick check in with the timing team and Joe at the finish - almost forgot to get a finish photo sorted !

So a lovely day at the Peak district, rounded off with a Sunday on the way home at the National Athletics champs in Birmingham where eldest Daugther came 6th in the country, not to be outdone the other Daughter came 4th in the country in her event of choice a week later... so a weekend of very proud Dad !!

The next events coming up are the Adur 5k Swim on the 17th of August
Or the Arundel Scouts 10k with unique access to the castle keep on the route - usually closed to the public

and then we are back into the Mighty hike schedule- which if you haven't done one - you really should !

This weekend has been the first one without an event for me and the team since March the 17th, motivation and keeping the team going has been the main management goal these past few weeks - and so trying to recover and keep things real, manage the kids through the holidays who seem to have regressed to being zombies, but at least the Olympics is a good watch and I'm sat here typing this from the Brighton and Hove AC Clubhouse - home club of Amber Anning - who goes for olympic 400 gold on Friday at 8pm - so give that a watch ! Good luck Amber !

So, hopefully a little bit of a break apart from the Adur swim and get ready and reset ready for the final push through September for the Mighty Hikes, and then the small problem of - what do we want to do for work in october, november and december - any progressive event organisers who want to make their Participants happy - then please drop me a line / just reply to this email !

Until next time, can someone fix this pesky achilles of mine, it really doesn't want to heal...and I'm getting holiday fat..
