Monday 26 July 2010

Downland Running Festival now live

The gallery from the Downland running festival with the Ultra 30 and Jack and Jill 5 mile Challenge is now live on the website here:

Overall it was a pretty good day for a run. From the top at Ditchling beacon (see above image) rain could be seen over towards Horsham, locally it remained dry but breezy across the south downs for the whole day. 
On a day with particularly clear views (you can see Box hill and the north downs in the photo below) it was the cold wind up top that presented more of a challenge for the Ultra 30 runners on the way home.

Ann bounced back from injury at the london marathon to win the Womens Ultra 30

James Baker got even closer to the 5 mile Jack'n'Jill race record, almost there - so some unfinished business next year...

Waterstation duties were conducted in a very serious and controlled manner on the Ultra30

Plenty of family support and picnics at the Clayton fields

Still smiling after 30 miles ? Jen, you're mad :-)

It was a dead heat in the Ultra30 mens race - here's the photo finish...

The new flags of HHH showing the way to get home - which I much prefer to the scaffolding :

Next race ?
If you like trail runs - next week there is the Milland Valley Trail run - much tighter paths in some places, quite a lot in woods - have a look here for more details:
They are taking entries on the day - but make sure you are there at least an hour early if that's your plan to avoid the queues and help everyone get things started on time.

It's a placid few weeks through the summer holidays now so hopefully I'll get some of those much needed pieces of DIY done, revamp a bit of the website and do all those things on the "to be put off until later" list. Holiday ? unlikely - 24/7 web galleries take a lot of time to run and nurture - and with some potential customers phoning up after 8pm at night (?!?!) there is never really a great opportunity to rest.
If my knees recover from yesterdays kneeling and grovelling about trying to get the right angle on the downland slopes, I might even manage a light run myself.

Enjoy the gallery, have a nice break from work if you are, and see you out at an event soon,

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Thursday 22 July 2010

Worthing Tri and Brentwood 10k live

Well, judging from the web traffic you've figured it out, the Worthing Triathlon and Brentwood 10k races are live.
Apologies for the day late blog news update, it's only me here organising the gallery and I ran out of time to mention it earlier in polite conversation. I thought it better to get the events online as a priority for you all.
So here's where they are:
Worthing triathlon:
Brentwood 10k:
I hope you enjoy them and can share them with friends and family !

Image sharing
Talking of sharing - again from the web traffic data - I'd just like to emphasise the use of the share buttons on the gallery pages and preview pages (just above the preview image) - they should make it very much easier for you to share your favourite pictures on the gallery with everyone who matters to you, and keep a record for yourself (perhaps in your bookmarks).

Using a blend of mystical mojo and gut feeling we now know which ones are your favourites but have not been bought yet - which we now try to keep a record of them for you here - so we know which ones you like, and probably who you are ! Can you spot your friends ? Click on the link above and get some proper copies before they are archived.

Free race downloads - I'll gently point out to some of the runners from the RPAC Summer 10k that the downloads are free ! Just click on the download button under the preview image (have a scroll down) - the downloaded images are bigger and about twice the quality than the gallery preview image you are going to get if you take a naughty screen copy.

Web browsers
About 65% of you are using Microsofts Internet explorer to look at the gallery site. I'll just point out that Firefox and google chrome are both much faster pieces of software for intenet browsing and certainly for our website gallery. Give them a go, you can always still use microsofts internet explorer side by side, if you really feel the need !

Gallery watermark
And finally - if anyone has any suggestions for a new watermark on the gallery - naturally to deter those naughty other people from taking copies, but keep the image nice to look at, and encourage purcahsing - then please share your ability to determine mutually exclusive goals with any suggestions would be most welcome - as I can't figure one out and the cats aren't interested in helping as long as they have food - which they do for now but not much longer...

Your next race ?
Have a nice summer holiday - nothing much going on for a few weeks - although it is the HHH Downland Challenge - if you don't fancy a 30mile ultra - there is the 5 mile race around Jack and Jill Windmills.
Click on the link below to find out more about the running festival this weekend within easy reach of the A23.

laters Anthony (and Xena the Cat)

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Tuesday 20 July 2010

Chichester Tri and F3 Marlow River Tri now live

With three of the events from the weekend now live on the gallery they can be found here:
F3 Marlow River Tri:

Chichester Tri:

F3 Marlow Big River Swim 

Worthing Tri and The TGT 10k should be live sometime tomorrow too - so keep checking back..

Here's a quick look at the fast action from Marlow with F3 at the weekend - the Big River Swim on the Saturday Evening, and then the River Sprint Triathlon on Sunday Morning - both first time events and well attended - here's looking to next years for bigger and better...

Yep - that's Jonathan Hotchkiss - using the race as a warm up for Switzerland Ironman - yes he won... hence the big smile !

back to the cataloguing, see you soon, and looking forwards to seeing your choices,


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Thursday 15 July 2010

RPAC Summer 10k - Free Downloads now live

Free Downloads from the RPAC Summer 10k are now available here:

Just enter your race number into the search box top-right
to see your pictures.

A capacity turn out of 500 people for this years RPAC Summer 10k in windy overcast conditions which ended up as rather pleasant conditions to run in.

A strong lead taken at the 1k mark by Stragglers and Aldershot

It takes a remarkably long time for 500 people to run past you

The Winner was 243 Straggler Ben Osborne in 34:29

Some strong finishes put in as well as some family ones

And some new friends made !

Next races are the F3 Events Marlow Big River Swim on Saturday, and on Sunday the Marlow River Sprint Triathlon, Chichester Triathlon, Raw Energy Pursuits Worthing Triathlon as well as the TGT Brentwood 10k
So the photographers are out and busy, the weather forecast is good, and it's just little old me back here in the office monday trying to organise all the galleries - let's hope it all goes smoothly ! I'll see you at Marlow if you're having fun there...
See you soon

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Monday 12 July 2010

White Oaks Tri and Newhaven Tri now live

The White Oaks Tri and Newhaven Triathlons Galleries are now live and online:

White Oaks Tri:
Newhaven Tri:

Sunday was up and out of the house before 5am to get to the White Oak Tri at Swanley before 6am. It was an early start to a lovely warm day, the sun just rising in the north east with a glow of red as it broke at about 4.30am. A text from a close friend at 7am "are you at the Newhaven Tri today ?" Damn and blast - with my Tardis broken I'm at White Oak for the rest of the morning. On the other hand it was good to see many well known and familiar faces on the Run course - Eg Tri, 7Oaks, Tuff Fitty to name but three clubs with regulars out and about who all had a bit of a wave and banter with as they ran past. Dave was out on the Bike course at Button lane, using his 300mm to turn the background into blurr and really focus in on the riders.

Two different but similar triathlons they are - Newhaven being a open water swim, whilst White Oak is pool based, they are both over similar distances and appeal to a good mix of starters and experienced triathletes. Ken and Mike were covering Newhaven with Ken at the main base area and Mike out on the cycle course over near Lewes Rugby Club.

I've put a selection of images from the races below to give you a flavour  - trip over to the results (white oak results here) to see your friends race numbers and then have a look at them on the gallery. If you really like them you can even post photo links for them onto facebook so everyone can find see them...(see the new social sharing links on the image preview page)

Over at Newhaven it looked a little like this - with a bit of rain thrown in for good measure as things went on through the morning. Some nice views along the river bank by the look of things - all in all quite a scenic race !

It was a late one back here with the F1 and world cup all on the TV in the background whilst the image search indexing was done. After 21hrs I had the White Oaks Gallery online, so that was bedtime and then we managed to get Newhaven online this morning.

This week it's just me in the office (Triss who helps out on a few mornings is on holiday) preparing the images for orders, replying to emails, doing the admin, sorting out new events pages writing the blogs and planning the next weekends shoots, as well as my cardiologists appointment tomorrow, so please bear with me whilst I get through the work - I promise I haven't forgotten about you !

see you about soon, perhaps the RPAC Summer 10k on Wednesday evening in Reigate ? with Free race photo downloads !


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