Tuesday 28 January 2014

SEAA XC Champs 2014, Epsom Perch, Canterbury 10, Thetford MTB now live

A weekend of wild weather and wild running - with some excellent work done by everyone competing across the races, and by all the marshals and race organisers - the highlight being the South of England Cross Country Championships held at Parliament Hill on Saturday.

Nothing prepares you for the race up that first hill - the long start line making it akin to something from a battlefield - having watched Braveheart for the first time the other night - I was wondering if anyone had blue and white face paint on, as it was, there was quite a bit on show using club colours which were well represented across the South from East Anglia to Devon.
That Parliament Hill at the start of the first race of the day at the SEAA XC champs 2014
It wasn't until the last lap of the last race when the Armageddon cloud descended with rain, sleet, hail and lightening and so so dark. We stopped at ISO12800,f2.8,1/250th and rain hard down onto the end of the lens - basically too dark to carry on.

Here's the list of new galleries on the website - over 67,000 new images this weekend - fully catalogued for easy searching by race number:

Race name and logo Gallery link
SEAA XC Champs Parliament Hill
Perch XV
26th Sun - Epsom Perch

26th Sun - Canterbury 10

26th Sun - Thetford MTB3

Call for entries and races so farRace Entry links and gallery links for selected races:

some of these still need filling in !
JAN 2014
1st Wednesday - Serpentine NYD 10kGallery here - http://bit.ly/Serpentine-10k-Official-Gallery-2014
5th Sun - Sussex XC Champs @BexhillGallery here -  http://bit.ly/Sussex-XC-Champs-2014-official-gallery
18th Sat - G3#1 - GuildfordGallery here - free race gallery downloads http://bit.ly/G3-Race1-2014-Official-Gallery
19th Sun - Fred Hughes 10milesGallery here - http://bit.ly/Fred-Hughes-10-Official-Gallery-2014
25th Sat - SEAA XC Champs Parliament HillGallery here - http://bit.ly/SEAA-XC-Champs-2014-Photo-Gallery
26th Sun - Epsom PerchGallery here: http://bit.ly/Epsom-Perch-Official-Gallery-2014
26th Sun - Canterbury 10Gallery here: http://bit.ly/Barretts-Canterbury-10-Official-Gallery-2014
26th Sun - Thetford MTB3Gallery here: http://bit.ly/Thetford-MTB-round3-2014-gallery
FEB 2013
2nd Sun - Watford Halfhttp://bit.ly/watford-half-entry
2nd Sun - Ashford and District 10khttp://bit.ly/nice-work-race-entry
2nd Sun - ETL Bookham 10khttp://bit.ly/ETL-races
9th Sat - G3#2 - Guildfordfree race gallery downloads http://bit.ly/aat-g3-entry
9th Sun - Deal Half Marathonhttp://bit.ly/Deal-Half-Entry-2014
15th Sat - Brutal - Windmill Hillhttp://bit.ly/Brutal-10-homepage
16th Sun - (Brighton Half Marathon)(we're not covering this one)
23rd Sun - Hampton Court Half Marathonhttp://bit.ly/Hampton-Court-Half-Entry
MARCH 2014
Sat 1st - G3#3 - Guildfordfree race gallery downloads http://bit.ly/aat-g3-entry
Sat 1st and 2nd - The Nuts Challengehttp://bit.ly/the-Nuts-Challenge 
Sun 2nd - Berkhampstead Half Marathonhttp://bit.ly/Berkhamstead-Half-Marathon-entry
Sun 2nd - Steyning Stinger http://bit.ly/The-Steyning-Stinger
free race gallery downloads
Sun 9th - Roding Valley Half Marathonhttp://bit.ly/roding-valley-half-mara-info
Sun 9th - Surrey Half Marathonhttp://bit.ly/Surrey-Half-Marathon-entry
Sun 9th - Lydd Half Marathonhttp://bit.ly/Lydd-Half-Marathon-entries
Sat 15th - Brutal Bordonhttp://bit.ly/Brutal-10-homepage
Sat 15th - F3 Dorney Half Marathonhttp://bit.ly/F3-Events
Sun 16th - Colchester Half Marathonhttp://bit.ly/Colchester-half-marathon-entry
Sun 16th - ETL Tempest 10 and Spitfire 20http://bit.ly/ETL-races
Sun 16th - Cranleigh 15-21http://bit.ly/MABAC-races
Sun 23rd - Richmond 13.1 and 10khttp://bit.ly/Richmond131-half-marathon
Sun 23rd - Back 2 the Trenches #1http://bit.ly/back2thetrenches-entry
Sun 23rd - PP Water of Life Half Marathonhttp://bit.ly/PP_Upcoming_races
Sun 23rd - Brentwood Half Marathonhttp://www.brentwoodhalf.org/index.htm (sold out)
Sun 30th - Warrior Run #1http://bit.ly/Warrior-run-entry
Sun 30th - Paddock Wood Half Marathonhttp://bit.ly/paddock-wood-half
Sun 30th - BHF Bournemouth Half Marathonhttp://bit.ly/bournemouth-bay-run-2014

more to follow...

Great Hill climbing - the top of the hill

Lucy - The recent Fred Hughes 10 race director gets out and about

It was quite nice in Canterbury the next day - apart from the rain

Mud - almost everywhere

Can't believe that she had one more lap to go

here comes a muddy bit...

Mens race lead out through the 1k mark 4454 took the win

The top of the hill, got a little muddy...

The Rain in Canterbury was most upsetting to some...

Don't let small problems like both shoes coming off stop you - XC teaching grit and determination since - forever

Calm to the end, even with only one shoe

Early run outs at Canterbury looked strong

Slight change in the weather on the return at Canterbury - it got a bit wetter

Determined to the end

Lost shoe = less washing 

Identical Teamwork

The Canterbury fling


Good finish by Heather !

Almost Braveheart

Canterbury 10 is "this long"

The u15b charge at the start - the mens had 900 entries

Correct winning arms for the senior womens race victory

in summary - muddy, but fun

Enjoy the galleries, and until next time

Monday 20 January 2014

G3 race 1 and Fred Hughes 10 2014 Galleries now live

Back to a weekend of two races, and fortunately not quite the rain that has been falling over the past few weekdays, just a bit wet and muddy up at Newlands Corner for the G3, and a two x single lap course at Fred Hughes 10 instead of crossing over the M1 because of some road flooding over there.
Neither of these situations caused any problems for the smooth running of the races which is a testimony to both race organisers and their efficient marshals.

I hope your New Year ambitions are staying strong, and welcome and hello to everyone who has taken up the baton of running this year as something good to do !
Hopefully we can help you start your running photo scrapbook of progress and happy memories for many years to come - even the painful ones make it more memorable when you look back later...

New Race Galleries Gallery Link
logo G3 race 1 2014 - Free Downloads

The Fred Hughes 10 2014

Call for entries:Race Entry links for selected races:

some of these still need filling in !
JAN 2014
1st Wednesday - Serpentine NYD 10k Gallery here - http://bit.ly/Serpentine-10k-Official-Gallery-2014
5th Sun - Sussex XC Champs @Bexhill Gallery here -  http://bit.ly/Sussex-XC-Champs-2014-official-gallery
18th Sat - G3#1 - Guildford Gallery here - free race gallery downloads http://bit.ly/G3-Race1-2014-Official-Gallery
19th Sun - Fred Hughes 10miles Gallery here - http://bit.ly/Fred-Hughes-10-Official-Gallery-2014
25th Sat - SEAA XC Champs Parliament Hill
26th Sun - Epsom Perchhttp://bit.ly/Epsom-Perch-2014-entry
26th Sun - Canterbury 10http://bit.ly/canterbury-10
FEB 2013
2nd Sun - Watford Halfhttp://bit.ly/watford-half-entry
2nd Sun - Ashford and District 10khttp://bit.ly/nice-work-race-entry
2nd Sun - ETL Bookham 10khttp://bit.ly/ETL-races
9th Sat - G3#2 - Guildfordfree race gallery downloads http://bit.ly/aat-g3-entry
9th Sun - Deal Half Marathonhttp://bit.ly/Deal-Half-Entry-2014
15th Sat - Brutal - Windmill Hillhttp://bit.ly/Brutal-10-homepage
16th Sun - (Brighton Half Marathon)(we're not covering this one)
23rd Sun - Hampton Court Half Marathonhttp://bit.ly/Hampton-Court-Half-Entry
MARCH 2014
Sat 1st - G3#3 - Guildfordfree race gallery downloads http://bit.ly/aat-g3-entry
Sat 1st and 2nd - The Nuts Challengehttp://bit.ly/the-Nuts-Challenge 
Sun 2nd - Berkhampstead Half Marathon
Sun 2nd - Steyning Stinger http://bit.ly/The-Steyning-Stinger
free race gallery downloads
Sun 9th - Roding Valley Half Marathon
Sun 9th - Surrey Half Marathonhttp://bit.ly/Surrey-Half-Marathon-entry
Sun 9th - Lydd Half Marathon
Sat 15th - Brutal Bordonhttp://bit.ly/Brutal-10-homepage
Sat 15th - F3 Dorney Half Marathon
Sun 16th - Colchester Half Marathon
Sun 16th - ETL Tempest 10 and Spitfire 20
Sun 16th - Cranleigh 15-21
Sun 23rd - Richmond 13.1 and 10khttp://bit.ly/Richmond131-half-marathon
Sun 23rd - Back 2 the Trenches #1
Sun 23rd - PP Water of Life Half Marathon
Sun 23rd - Brentwood Half Marathon
Sun 30th - Warrior Run #1
Sun 30th - Paddock Wood Half Marathon
Sun 30th - BHF Bournemouth Half Marathon

more to follow...

The AAT G3 race #1

Saturday saw us at the AAT-Events season opener with the G3 race#1 at Newlands Corner. In contrast to last years snow and ice, we had some heavy rain from the south, so the wind wasn't too cold but wet all the same. Some 344 starters made it around Surrey and the flooded roads of Sussex  to make it to the start line - all clearly with a sense of humour and self-challenge in mind. 
The leaders were wearing XC spikes for the muddy conditions, trail shoes would have made a big difference and old worn flat road trainers would have been your undoing on the slippery parts - which probably explains the mud covered sides we saw on a few people...

Very nice to see so many regulars at the G3 too, and I hope you are still enjoying your free race downloads ! Post your favourites onto our facebook page !

Some Gallery changes
Regulars will see that we have changed ("updated") the free download gallery - hopefully it is cleaner and simpler to use - although the "download all" button is a click away in the thumbnail view - in the toolbox on the right - (hint: you want the "Actions" tab).

Also it should be easier to view and navigate through on a tablet or phone, as well as the single click download also easier for those technologies - saving a single file as a normal jpg file and not a zip file (which tablets and phones can't usually deal with).

Let us know if you think it is better/worse/cleaner/harder/easier - and if so how ? a quick email to info@sussexsportphotography.com about it would be fantastic and very helpful - then we can continue to try to improve it.

Dave shows the young'uns the way forwards

See it's easy running up St.Marthas

Just a bit muddy on the way round and not that steep !

The Church is at the top of the hill...

Dave gives us a wave on his way back

If you hold the edge - watch out for the branches

Poor number 30 took a bit of a Mr.Tumble

Run like an Egyptian...

Rory didn't make it up the hill, he was DQ'ed for being on a bike

The Brutal warm-up welcome

Runners on that there horizon - what better sight for a Marshal ?

Smiling, happy, and a little muddy...

To be clear, this says that "he ran happy", not "Running in Iran made him happy running in Hell". It's confusing I know and not to be misinterpreted !
A small word of thanks to the nice people at Tillings Cafe in Gomshall  that fed the Marshals and event organisers after the race for the post race debrief with an excellent breakfast. A new location for us since the popular 'The Barn' Newlands corner Cafe unfortunately shut in the past week after the Chef apparently went ill. Best wishes are with them after many years of great service.

Fred Hughes 10

The Fred Hughes 10, organised by St.Albans Striders went off in good weather, with bits of blue sky breaking through the clouds and even sunshine bursting across from the low sun.
The course was in good condition with a few puddles in places, and a few slopes to make people work for their place made for a fast run out and excellent conditioning in the early season. The winning time of sub-52mins by Daniel Woodgate of Luton #853 in 51.37 is exceedingly quick and basically caught us a bit by surprise during the race - by my watch he only took 17 minutes to complete the first lap of the race loop... The winning margin was 90 seconds over second place a consummate performance. I rest sound in my 400m PB being faster than his though...  (a small insignificant point) He is however the Bedfordshire County XC champion from last week, so comes into 2014 in good form already.

Daniel - Out front and out of sight from 2nd place by the 2 mile marker

626 clearly outperforming expectation from 733

Naomi looking far too happy, we needed more weather like NYD Serpentine 10k ?

Lucky 666 making it look easy

Excellent application by 194 Sophie Delderfield to win the Womens race in ;:01:09

Mark, having prepped his hair blows kisses of love for you

Rosemary Conley - responsible for 5 stones going missing - and #91 made the 8 mile mark ! Awesome effort !

A bit of a push up the slopes of St.Albans

70's retro style 

A New Hat !

Technically a tricky race to photograph with the low winter sunlight, high road side hedges and country lanes we had to work hard to get the right angles on the shots and try to capture the countryside element of the race. Hopefully we have managed it this time !

Well done to Lucy the Race director and her teams of marshals, admin and helpers and the whole St Albans Striders club on putting on such a smoothly run event, we hope to see plenty of you running at your nearest rivals race the Watford Half Marathon next month....

Until next time - which will hopefully be the South of England XC championships at Parliament Hill next Saturday !
