A busy weekends races across the region with near perfect weather on Sunday with blue skies, and a little bit of autumnal mist to set it all off. Somehow again we avoided the rain, with just a few drop of it falling in the afternoon. Links to the galleries are down a bit - have a scroll.
The start of the Reigate Half Marathon 2015 |
Run Reigate successfully held their second ever race on Sunday, with a modified route from last year - which removed the bottlenecks, simplified the course co-ordination, and improved the road logistics for non-runners with different road closures. The addition of the 10k race around much of the same route added a notable 670 additional runners to the day, which will hopefully turn into more runners next year taking on the bigger challenge of the Half marathon. Those 10k pictures will make excellent "remember me last year when I started running" to compare with next year when they have completed the half...
Start of the Bexhill Link Road 10k 2015 |
The soon to be completed Bexhill to Hastings link road had their once in a lifetime chance to go running on it on Sunday, organised by Eric who organises the annual famous Hastings Half Marathon it was a complete success. There's more information on the road here:
https://new.eastsussex.gov.uk/roadsandtransport/bexhillhastingslinkroad/downloadmap as a 5k road it was an opportunity not to be missed !
Make sure you get your historic photos before they go too so you can say "I remember when all this used to be fields, but got to run on the road before they let the cars on it" to your kids. They still won't believe you, but at least you will have the evidence if you buy it...
Back to the mud slides |
Back to the Trenches had a great third outing this year with their No
Man's Land course layout, with new obstacles throughout the course to test over 700 people around the hills and slopes of Redhill on the 5k and 10k routes. They have another race on November the 15th, so if you don't fancy the Brighton 10k, then that will be the place to be instead...
For those of you who like a few stats (and if you know anything about me, you'll know that's what I like!) - over the past 6.5 years, this is blog post 569, and will take the blog views on the website to over 400,000. The emailed version has been read over 982,000 times and there are now over 25,000 subscribers with on average about 7,000 readers per week actually finding out just how cheeky I can be on my captions without the executive editor stopping me...
To put that in perspective - I was asked yesterday by a publication that sells for £100 per month to its business clients to pay for a minimum £1000 advertorial - and their circulation figures are worse that ours... I am clearly in the wrong business.
Gallery listing below
I've stopped putting logos on these listings - because it saves me a ton of time writing the blog having to find and import each logo from the event websites (and then sometimes edit them), and makes the list neater. If you preferred it with the logos because it saves a few seconds to find your event, then let me know.
All go at the start of the Reigate Half marathon - note the remote camera on the right that I was triggering from here, and the massive white reflector of a tent next to it that really helped bring up it's image shadows |
Being a remote camera, people seemed to "express themselves" more freely... |
Remember - we will see you when we review the images and catalogue them... cheeky (the next frame she was all straight innocent...) |
Not sure what she is describing, but it's clearly awesome |
A quick update to your friends at the back that you're across the start line |
Excellent to see the Patrick Evans Foundation out this year in strength |
50 yards in, defo time to change the music. |
Nice selfie, but I can guarantee our shots were "better" on so many levels. Like this one. |
For the win in 1h:11m |
Extreme contact lens searching |
"Did I not like that!" |
Members of Eg Tri trying to hide by not wearing club colours and running fast |
Best fancy dress team I saw all day - top effort from the dream machine's team |
The final walk to clear the course and the racemakers jobs are done ! |
They're coming !! Nice to see excited race directors ! |
meanwhile over in Bexhill