The Official Gallery from the 2009 Beachy Head Marathon is now online here :
and it also includes the Junior races.
With over 14,000 to choose from - hopefully you'll find yourself if you can ! There are full instructions on how to find your pictures using the race number, or how to reduce your searching through everything on the gallery home page itself - so please have a read there to save yourself some time !
I could go on about it being the wettest race year in a long time, but you all know that, suffice to say I ended up pitching the small tent and getting right to the back of it to stop the mizzle getting on the lens. It was a challenge technically for everyone - running or watching, to stay on their game and make it through the day, which turned out ok in the end ! (although Sunday was nicer wasn't it)
The Start video is here:
Here's a short selection of images from the day - I hope it brings back mostly good memories for you all !
The Start - the mist had fallen down the hill, later on, it would be higher up...

@Jevington, about 30 minutes into the run - it was an Ely runner who came past first - but as I mentioned to Number 1 as he went past in second - they don't have hills in Ely...
@Alfriston and the White Horse - it was so dark Mike resorted to using his flash, and then gave a large 300mm f2.8 lens a run out. He managed to somehow see through the mist and rain to see the white horse.
Birling Gap - Horseshoe Woods. After walking up to the top of the cliffs, losing all vision and sanity, we (my recently appointed wingman Julian and I) tried to find somewhere a bit more homely for the next four hours after Jevington. So we pitched the tent and settled in for the day, running as much of a double act as possible trying to cheer people on and up ! If anyone else wants to join me for a days work of cheerleeding just get in touch... There was a wonderful view of the hills behind you, it's just the mist, rain and fog kinda made it less fantastic.

At the Finish, it rained like it did everywhere else, but with less misty stuff. As usual, the main man won, and Sam won the womens race for the first time - a big step up from the half marathons and 10ks we usually see her at the front of. Great Stuff Sam !

So go onto the gallery and find your pictures here:
Please remember that we archive off galleries after about 3 months to make space for new events - so please don't get caught out and make sure you have your copy to keep and treasure.