Friday 9 September 2016

Maidenhead Half, and both Nuts Challenge Summer Galleries 2016 now live

The start of the Purple Patch Maidenhead Half Marathon 2016
Hello and welcome back from the Holidays .... This is probably the shortest blog I've written in a long time ! We're still busy cataloguing the Reading Tri - which is proving hard due to the challenging numbering - so we're using some innovative technology to collate people together - but these things are always a challenge and take time - so please hang in there.

Anyway -
The Good news we have is as follows...

1. Maidenhead Half marathon - was live on Monday - the gallery is here:
(Xempo pacers - yes I have the email requests - you will get them ! - it's been a bit busy)

2. Saturdays Nuts gallery was live here on Tuesday night:

3. Sundays Nuts challenge was live last night (Thursday):

4. And the Reading Tri will be on the gallery once we have done the indexing as best as possible. From experience we know from triathlons that if we don't catalogue the swim exit photos nobody looks through the 3,000 images for that location, and you don't really buy any images from the whole event - it's natural to want a swim/bike/run collection - and with one missing - the whole thing is written off.

Talking of unidentified images
For the Nuts challenge galleries - if you have found yourself in the muddy photos where we can't see a race number (the "000" folders at the bottom of the gallery page) please give us a list of image reference numbers - don't do them individually - because it's just as fast for us to correct a list as it is a single image - and we currently have over 215 emails to deal with since Wednesday and we've done 30 already - send us a list for fast corrections

So please enjoy the galleries and we look forwards to your orders !!

Not a lot of captions below - trying to get this blog out quickly
Maidenhead Half
The start of the junior race at Maidenhead Half

top pacing from the xempo team

don't know how he did it without melting

Nuts Challenge

All is ok

working the camera

selfie time

calm, controlled and at the top of your game

great challenge - but impossible to get a photo except this sort of thing

look mum - no hands

more selfies

is that a carp in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me ?

I finally got some understanding company

Does my breath smell ? No, but please put some pants on.

true love
top arms and biceps
it's great down here
time for some extreme yoga
TC wins the 4 laps
12 legged racing team for the win
top photobomb
real pokemon hunting
how they conquered the wild west
again, you are not looking at this in a drugged state, this is real
no, we don't know why
enough already.
To infinity and beyond !

So well done everyone, we're at the Bacchus (they need marshals if you want to get involved), Pilgrim, and Littlehampton Chestnut tree house 10k so see you Sunday...

now back to the Reading Tri Indexing...

until next time

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