Friday, 12 May 2017

7Oaks Tri - free downloads - 2017 gallery now live

Bev Mum finished !
The Free download Sevenoaks Tri race gallery is here :

Whilst it was a little bit chilly and not at all wet, the overall consensus was that the 7Oaks Triathlon was once again a resounding success. Marshals from the club had been there since 5am, whilst support crews and companies involved in making the race tick had been up from 4:30 (or even 3:30am if you're DBmax doing the results !!!) to make sure that they had everything set up and securely sorted in time for the 6:30am race start.
They talk incessentantly. Which is their job.

Sometimes the time and commitment required from the support teams is never known by the participants, however since almost all the marshals are from 7Oaks Tri club (only their new members get to compete in the race), you can rest assured they do at this race ! and all being experienced triathletes - it means there's a lot of empathy out on the course for everyone trying their hardest which makes a massive difference from stumbling about in bare foot on the freshly swept and brushed transition, or asking for route directions at the top of a hill whilst begging for oxygen. You know you're in safe hands !

Lack of sleep is causing me to hallucinate and take pictures of things without their numbers showing, like triathlets

Personally I'm finding that I can only survive for so long on 4hrs sleep, and whilst I managed an 8hour 6am to 3pm working day, I had to crash for 2hrs before getting back into the office and finish off the gallery preparations and uploads. Fortunately I'd had the back office team booked into the office to do the Sunday heavy lifting of typing in the race numbers, and many hands make light work, so by the time I had returned from my Zombie-state, there was only the 7Oaks Overlay and upload to sort out. By 10pm everything was up and people were downloading their free photos happily and I made it to bed at 1am, not too bad after getting up at 4:30am !

All in all a fantastic day and great to see the regular faces of marshals, organisers, and competitors once more.

Upcoming events
The really easy way to check next months events is to click on next months gallery page  !
so in the same way that all the events from April can be found here on our easy to browse page on the gallery:

You can find all the races for May here:
but here's a list anyway - with the free galleries highlighted in yellow
Sat-13/05/2017 The Little Welly - Junior OCR - Surrey - PR
Sat-13/05/2017 London Revolution Ride Sat - pic2go
Sun-14/05/2017 Kelly's Cycle Challenge - free photos
Sun-14/05/2017 EG Tri
Sun-14/05/2017 Oxford 10k
Sun-14/05/2017 London Revolution Ride Sun - pic2go
Sun-21/05/2017 REP Arundel Tri - free photos
Sun-21/05/2017 Fareham Tri
Sat-03/06/2017 The Hurt
Sat-10/06/2017 Race To The Tower Sat - pic2go
Sun-11/06/2017 Race To The Tower Sun - pic2go
Sun-11/06/2017 Mid Sussex Tri - free photos
Sat-17/06/2017 Muddy Mission - free photos
Sat-17/06/2017 Brutal -Congo Woods
Sun-18/06/2017 Hampshire Hoppit
Sun-18/06/2017 Shrewsbury Half Marathon - pic2go
You might see that some events we usually cover are not showing up on these lists - if you don't see them - then just get in touch to check what's up - and I'll tell you what's going on !

FAQ corner - yes you should read this !
One thing we have had to change with the move to the new photoshelter gallery in December 2016, is that whilst it's brilliantly simple for many things, and seems pretty intuitive to us (and the increase in loads of web stats supports this) there are a few things we do get asked a few times - sometimes due to people not reading the words in front of them on the gallery - so let me put the answers here !

1. To get your free downloads (on free download events!) - essentially you have to order them.
- so click "add to basket" (either with all the thumbnails selected, or when looking at an individual picture), select the free download product (you can tell - it's the one with £0.00 as the price), and checkout and complete the order - with nothing to pay.
We have recently been able to remove what was confusing text that was on the gallery pages - and have updated the words in the gallery title page to help explain this - so hopefully - it will be more obvious as people get used to it.
So to repeat - just order the free ones, and because they are free - there's no transaction - easy.

2. Where is my order ? I've not heard from you ? - apart from prints that get lost in the post, or the original files we email - and inevitably your hotmail account is blocking us, or your gmail account has put it in the "pormotions tab", or has decided we have not added a text routing file to our email server and decided to put it into spam (I think I've fixed that one now...) - all the orders you have made will be found in your user account, and will have had an email with a link to there too.
Your user account is at the top right of the screen on the gallery, labelled "My Account". The other option is click on "My Orders", which eventually takes you to "my account" with some explaining, but it's a bit more user obvious.

One of the benefits of a user account is you can create lightboxes as your own personal record of images across all the galleries that we have put onto the photoshelter gallery. Yes they will all be watermarked, but it does make it another easy way for you to keep a record.

3. Why do my downloads still have the watermarks on them ? - please supply them without watermarks on them ! - this question we get about once a month - the reason is the images are being looked at on the gallery - and the customer has not yet downloaded them to their computer. So the answer is - actually download them, don't just look at them on the gallery !

4. I can't download my order, it doesn't work ? Inevitably this means you are using a tablet or phone to download them, when you need to download them to a computer. Collections are also downloaded as zip files, so you will need to unzip them (extract the files) to make the images useable. Windows and Mac OS can process zip files for free. Have a google on zip files if you want to know more.

and now for a few more pictures
Yes that hill is that long, hard and wobbly

First Dab seen on a bike...

almost identical bike frames, but not quite

You'd think the lambo could have overtaken ? Same thing with a McLaren 720S -slowing to a snails pace for no reason behind a bike. Really ! I refused to take a photo of it.

good tractor skills, might benefit from a higher saddle though

numbers on the front - it's in dem rules. how can we do our cataloguing job otherwise ?

easy running out towards the golf course

all going smoothly now

Seems happy enough

Pleased to be back

Good victory finish

Proper double fist pump

All ways good...

Mums a winner !

It's going to be another very busy sunday with 5 events, including the very popular Revolution Ride - with live photos going out on Saturday and Sunday. That's me away from home from 6pm friday to 10pm Sunday. Who'd do that for a living, and when is my day off eh ?

Have a good training run, enjoy the slightly warmer weather and see you out this weekend enjoying the races. And don't forget the sunscreen - it's getting strong out there !
Until next time

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