Thursday 13 June 2024

Mighty London and South Coast Hikes 2024

 I've just realised I've put all these photos in reverse order, so read this one from the bottom up !

Our continuing coverage of the Macmillan Mighty Hike season continues - all the photos go up during the day - so participants can put the proof out under the noses of their sponsors and donors - and get even more donations coming in !

All galleries have been uploaded completely within the hour of the final finisher (if not within the minute!) meaning everyone has the material and memories to remember their achievements by and drive their donation conversations !

It's possible for participants to pre-register as well for their photo gallery - simply using the webpage. Everything is free single click downloads - so super simple to get images and post them to socials asap and keep the fundraising alive !

Those nice people at Justgiving have analysed how much a difference using event photos on your donation page makes - and it leads to *on average* 13% higher donations. What's not to love ?

Have a nice day !

Five go walking

Nice hat !

3 Amigos

I think this was more motivational than an order

big thumbs and waves at the start of the South Coast Full Hike

ah, barcode 71 - my favourite space invader shape

they hunt donors down in packs

Go Team MacMillan  !

Big it up for the massive shoulders !

get that Hi-five and damn the numbering system

cheerleaders are GO!

This is a beautiful place with beautiful people ! Epic Epping Forest !

they were pretending it was a forced surrender

we are sailing...

she actually never touched the ground with her sticks

super last marshal - on whom our day relied

This is ok !

This is also OK !

This is even more OK than you can believe !

They were not over half way, this is a lie.

The olympic park legacy - actually hidden on a hillock of a crest and fully grown trees surround it. You cannot see it from anywhere except directly under it.

The welcome sight of a start arch, at 6am, reporting for 16hrs duty on a cold summers morning. 

So, you can see these mighty hikes are a lot of fun and people have a fantastic time - and the organisation is sensational. I'd recommend checking out a few of them and getting yourself entered - raising money for a fantastic charity which we all know goes to helping people deal with cancer diagnoses and getting them and their families through in one piece.

Enter now:

Someone asked me the other day how we get photos live on the day to the participants.

well - it's all about the barcodes, which are actually designed for robot vision to locate themselves in 3D space. They're designed to be seen in a large field of view, ie a photo. And they're numbered. So we use them to read the barcode to get the number, not to locate the photographer in 3D space...

That can be done pretty quickly, and once you have the images "tagged" or as some would say - resplendant with meta-data, then that image can be searched for on a gallery.

because sitting in a field without even 3G data can be tricky we put up a provisional gallery of images with all the barcodes read as fast as we can (thousands a minute), and then once back in the office - do the human quality check through on images with no barcodes read in them and type them in.

There's other services that do face recognition and selfie searches, and number recognition - but they all ask for the full size files to be uploaded - which isn't really an option in a field. Secondly - there is a small issue with GDPR on things like facerecognition, and these are easier to simply not have in the first place. Plus they are getting better, but they are - just wrong.

Finally number recognition is getting better - but that's slow, and they still don't do elbow blocking number recognition - so 2854 is read as 854 - and then you're into a world of nope - that's wrong !

But I guess, if it's "good enough", and people don't notice with "well I had 5 photos and ignored the wrong ones" - is that a good enough customer service ? Are you happy with your event serving up wrongitudinal problems and faff for your participants ? or making them scroll through pages of facebook galleries... oh. oh dear.

Some galleries allow search by name too - I'm against that because a) you have to get the entry namedata (which is copyright of the race company) and put that somewhere - and that's personal data - so GDPR here we come. Then b) you're making it publically searchable.

I don't know about you - but I'm not BIG KEEN on people searching my name and finding my face.

and after all - there's a reason that shops use barcodes... if it reads - it's right. so no false positives, and we all can correct the wrong'uns quickly enough.

So - that's how we do it - barcodes, and yes, the more barcodes are hidden under shirts or straps, then the longer it takes for us in the office and everyone has to wait that little bit longer for them - so if you do see barcodes on your numbers - please - don't put pins through them, keep them on show and make sure they are nice and flat - then everyone is a winner - because you all get your photos faster !

number 71 - it's actually a Galaxian, not a space invader, but you know what I mean...

finally - big shout out to the one person who confessed to be that person who reads this blog - you know who you are - and thank you ! At least one in 26,000 isn't too bad.

Also proud shout-out to both my daughters who are inside the top #5 UK rankings for their chosen athletics discipline since last weekend. Could not be prouder of them. Even took a phone call this evening from an ex GB athletics Head of Selectors to congratulate them, so that's bonkers.

And finally for those of you who did ask about some of the brain entrainment stuff and Neuroplacticity - check out this website that I found recently (in florida unfortunately): 

and here's a video

As someone who has been trying neuroplastic workouts for the past 6months - I have nothing but praise for the positive impacts it has had for me (and for those around who had to put up with me I might add!).

Always up for a chat about this stuff - so please drop me an email or a line or give me a ring !

until next time - hopefully see you on the next mighty hike ? I'm next at Yorkshire, but we have the Lake District this weekend, and then The Giants Causeway on the northern coast of Northern Ireland to get through first.

so, yes, until next time, and hopefully I'll have this achilles sorted by then too.


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